Debt Management
When you need help to manage your credit card debt or to pay off loans, a debt management service may be the right choice. As opposed to debt consolidation programs, a debt management service won’t require you to take out a new loan. Instead, you’ll receive helpful debt management credit counseling to assist you in making a plan to manage your debt and pay it off over time.
The goal of a debt management service is to help you get out of debt as quickly as possible without going through bankruptcy, debt settlement or using debt consolidation services. Our debt management service will work with you to identify all of your debts and create a manageable budget. We’ll contact creditors on your behalf to seek lower interest rates, a lower monthly payment and to re-age your accounts so they are current, instead of in arrears. Each month, instead of paying your creditors directly, you’ll make one payment to Lighthouse Financial Services and we’ll in turn pay your bills on your behalf.
With our low-costs debt management program, you’ll find your finances are simpler to manage and you’ll experience less stress over your financial situation and paying your bills.